Aug 25, 2011

5 Stratigies for creating multiple streams of traffic to your blog!

I'll be honest with you...
You may have come across the following five strategies for generating
traffic to your blog.
And you may even wonder how effective they are. But the key with all
five of these strategies is that you need to do them consistently and
regularly over a period of time.
At first you may not see amazing results, but then, as you keep on doing
it, you will start seeing some exponential results. It's a bit like compound
interest with money in your bank account. To help explain this, say you`
invest $10,000 and you're able to get 10% interest on your money per
After 10 years, your balance will have increased to around $26,000. After
20 years, your balance will have increased further to around $67,000.
And after 30 years, you balance will have increased to a whopping
As you can see, with each new 10 year period, the amount of money has
increased exponentially, even though the interest rate remained exactly
the same.
The same principle can be applied the following strategies. If you apply it
consistently over time, at first the results will be slow, but then later on,
as you keep applying these strategies, you will start experiencing
exponential results.
All of the following 5 strategies are fast and easy to implement. While you
certainly don't
*have* to use all of them, using some or at least one of them every day
will help you get the long term results you are after.
Ok, so here are the strategies:

Comment Marketing

Comment Marketing is where you essentially write really amazing
comment replies to posts on other people's blogs in your niche.
Remember that with all of these strategies, the emphasis is on providing
*value*. So, simply writing a few non-helpful comments on some blogs
won't cut it. Make sure you've actually read the other persons blog article,
that you understood the main principals, and then write an intelligent
comment as a response.
This will help you get at least 2 benefits:
· First, it will create a link back to your blog (via the link you enter
when you create your comment). This is not such a big deal
anymore, but it does allow other people, who are visiting the blog
you are commenting on, to easily navigate to your blog if they liked
your comment and they want to find out more information about
· Second, very importantly, if you do this consistently, you will start
getting the attention of the blog owner. And once you have their
attention, you can develop your relationship with them. And then at
some point in the future you could even ask them to join you in
some kind of a joint venture.
(HUGE TIP: NEVER ask for a joint venture deal at the beginning of your
relationship. That's the fastest and easiest way of losing respect from the
blog owner and ruining your chances of developing your relationship with
them further).
A great idea is to target say 5 blogs in your niche and focus all your
attention on them and building up a relationship with them.

Forum Marketing

Ok, same principal here...
Find the popular forums in your niche, and start providing some
exceptional value there regularly and on a consistent basis. In other
words, blow people away with how helpful you are.
For example, you can respond to people's questions by first researching
the answer if you don't know it already, and then writing a very detailed
and thoughtful response. Or what also works amazingly well, is if you
simply create a new thread in the forum of your choice, and instead of
just asking a "one liner" type of question, submit a fully fledged article
that talks about a helpful topic to members of that forum.
Then at the end of the article, invite people to discuss the article and keep
on checking back for comments and respond to those. If you do this one
right, it could help you drive a nice stream of consistent traffic to your
blog for years to come!

Article Marketing

Same thing here again... Find the right article directories for your
niche, and start creating some valuable articles and submit them to these
Probably the most popular article directory is

So, what you could do here, is once again use a very focused approach.
And instead of submitting articles to hundreds of smaller directories,
simply focus on one, two or three major article directories, and really
provide amazing value there.
TIP: Never duplicate the content on your blog inside article directories
and vice versa. This could seriously affect your search engine rankings as
you'll get penalized for duplicate content by the search engines. This
strategy is certainly more intense, and could take up a significant portion
of your time. But instead of implementing this strategy onceevery day,
maybe consider doing it only once every week, two weeks or even just once a month.

Guest Posts On Other Blogs

This is a very powerful strategy. If you've been able to build up some kind
of a relationship with other successful bloggers (for example by using the
comment marketing strategy explained before), you can offer to write a
guest post for them.
Often, successful bloggers, who have been creating content for a number
of years, will welcome the opportunity of you providing them with extra
content that they won’t have to create themselves.
Of course, when you create these guest posts, you'll need to present your
absolute best writing skills to make sure that your article gets accepted,
and once posted on the other blog, to help drive more traffic back to your
own blog. Just remember to always link back to your own blog
somewhere towards the end. Or ask the blog owner what they think
would be appropriate in terms of linking back to your own blog.
As a quick aside, here are some great resources that you can use to help
you find other bloggers, forums or websites inside your own niche:

There are many more quick and dirty strategies you can use to start
driving traffic back to your blog. But I've listed some of the most powerful
and effective strategies you can use right now.
My suggestion is to pick one or two of these and do them really well. And
then, if you have time left, start getting into the remaining strategies as
Now it's time to look at the second main part of this report...
2-Four powerful tips for attracting *floods* of fresh new
traffic to your blog...
The following four strategies can have a far greater impact on the traffic
to your blog than any of the previous strategies mentioned. We're talking
about *floods* of traffic here... not just a bunch of little streams of traffic.
(Note: You still need to use both types of strategies over the long run to
ensure the compound effect that I talked about earlier.) The only catch is,
that the following four strategies involve A LOT more work to set up. But
once they are set up and running, they could help you increase your
traffic *exponentially*.
The four strategies are:

· Create a complimentary resource and build your list
· Make extensive use of online video
· Get into social media in a big way
· And start doing regular audio and video podcasts

Let's dig a little deeper into each one of these strategies now...
· Create A Complimentary Digital Resource And Build Your
List; One of the best ways we've found so far for generating
truckloads of traffic for your online businesses, is to create some
kind of a valuable complimentary digital resource that people can
download in exchange for their contact details. For example, if your
blog is about gardening, it would make sense to offer a
complimentary resource that solves a specific problem for people in
the gardening niche. The more valuable you can make your
complimentary resource, the more likely it is that people will
download it, consume it, and tell all their friends about it too, that
way increasing the chance that your complimentary resource will
spread and go viral online and thereby generate more traffic back to
your blog.
· Make Extensive Use Of Online Video; Online video seems to
scare a lot of people. But there is really NO need to be scared of
creating your own online videos at all! Technology is now so far
advanced that they've made it extremely easy to start creating your
very own online videos. Of course, the more effort you put into this
strategy, the better results you will get. But at the least, what you
can do, is to start a YouTube channel, and to start creating some
simple videos that you can embed on your blog. In general, people
LOVE video. So if you regularly submit new videos to your blog
where you cover some important topics in your niche, not only will
you start getting more traffic, but you'll also allow people to
"engage" with your content a lot more. And the more people are
engaged with your content, the more they will come back, and also
tell all their friends about it.
TIP: Start off with YouTube for your own online videos. It's an amazing
source of traffic that you can tap into at no cost at all. If you're not using
YouTube as a serious strategy for driving traffic back to your blog, you're
missing out on A LOT of potential traffic.
· Get Into Social Media In A Big Way; The previous tip on using
online video extensively already touches a little on the potential of
social media. But there is currently a lot of confusion as to how to
use social media effectively to help drive traffic back to your blog.
So, I will make it easy for you, and save you a heck of a lot of time.
I've done all the research for you, and here is my conclusion: Pick
at the most 3 social media sites, and focus all your energies on
those sites only. Sign up for their service. Get involved. Start
conversations. Make yourself known. Add value by providing useful
And because you can link back to your website inside these social media
sites, it means that people will be able to visit your blog easily once they
become your friend and consume your content.
But which social media should you choose?
Good question! And I have a great answer for you...
I recommend you target the largest 3 social media sites in your niche,
and focus ALL your attention there only.
The ones I recommend are:

3. And

But of course, you may want to research some other social media sites
that are more suited to your own niche. We've already seen some
amazing results using these three services alone. And because we've had
such a focused approach, we've been able to build up a nice list of friends
and contacts who really trust us and love consuming our information.
Finally, for getting massive exposure for your blog, you need to...
· Start Doing Regular Audio And Video Podcasts; Submitting
regular podcasts on your blog is one of the most powerful things
you can do for getting a lot of traffic to your blog.
What is a podcast I hear you ask?
Well basically, it's just an audio or video recording that you make
available for streaming or downloading from your blog, or any other kind
of website with an RSS feed.
This lesson is getting WAY too long already to go into the details of the
"how to" of podcasting, but essentially, if you can create an audio or
video recording, and link to it straight from your blog, you've created your
very own podcast.
Ok, so how do you come up with content for your podcast.
Really easy actually!
There are at least two ways:
· You could just interview experts and other bloggers in your niche.
· Or you could come up with the content yourself and simply record it
onto your computer, using the tools from
Once you've edited your recording, simply upload it to your server for
audio or video sharing websites like for video, and then
embed your recording on your blog.
To help you stream audio on your blog you can use the nifty WordPress
Audio Player plugin that you
can find here:


· Bookmark your websites or blogs at,
· Ping your website with
· Submit the RSS feed of your site or blog post to RSS feeds
directories You can find a list of places to submit your RSS feeds
· Write a keyword optimized article about your new web page or blog
post and submit to some Web 2.0 sites like.


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