Aug 16, 2011

How to make a free call using your Smartphone (android)

we already know that you can use computers to make free phone calls. so why not use your smart phone to make a free call?  Here is how it work. google voice the amazing phone routing from google, provides you a free phone number that can anyone call you. then what it does is to forward that call to any phone of your choice. and if you wanted to call out from google voice it will again call any phone of your choice and then connect you using that phone. now this phone sees both incoming and outbound calls from as an incoming call from google voice. so if you have a phone that has an unlimited incoming calls, you will never have to pay a dime.

first you need to have a free sipgate account, for those that leave outside the US you need to have a US proxy before you can sign up, but this should still work. if the sipgate is not available then you can use voxox or ipkall to get a free number. 

once you created an account and assigned you a free US number you can log in and go to setting and click on voip phone. give it a description and click save this will create our phone system, now just mouse over your newly created phone icon, and select sip credentials, write down your sip id and sip password because you are going to need this later. 

now your going to need a google voice account, and again if your outside the US, your going to need a US proxy to sign up but you will still be able to do it. once you able to log in, click on the gear icon and select voice settings. and then click add another phone. call it sipgate and the number that sipgate provide you with.

now for the smartphone, go to android market and search and install google voice, sipdroid and google voice callback. once installed google voice is already setup to receive text notifications and voice mail notifications. 

now setup sipdroid. sipdroid is what you are going to use to connect to your sipgate account. click on your menu button and then click settings. under authorization username enter the sip id and your sip password that you right down earlier, also make sure that your server or proxy is set to and make sure you use WLAN or 3G as checked depending on your preferences. if everything is done you should see a green dot on the top of your screen. 

now setup google voice callback, which will answer any google voice number and then you will use google voice and sipgate to make a free outgoing calls. you can check to use your phones current google voice account assuming that you are already logged in to it, now for outgoing calls choose your sipgate number. then you can choose if you want to always use it or just each time you make a call. now you can click done and give it a try:

From another phone call your google voice number and see if it rings. to make a call just select the phone number from your contacts and click to call them. google voice call back will then calls your sipgate number so your phone will ring and you answer and then it will connect you to your friend or your contacts number.


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